Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Opportunities in Solid Minerals; a question and answer session with Prof Yekeen

Opportunities in Solid Minerals, Iwoland in Focus, a question and answer session featuring  Prof  Yekeen of the department of geology, Federal University of Technology, Akure.

As compiled by Yusuff Ola-Gold, Mutalub.

Dear Professor Yekeen Sir, you are welcome IDC on whatssap

Prof Yekeen : Thanks

Question: Prof Sir , how can mining industry contribute to Nigeria economy.  Can other minerals compete with Crude oil?

 Prof Yekeen : Minerals are everywhere. But they have to be in economic quantities to be mineable, otherwise it will not be worth the efforts. Before oil was discovered in Nigeria, minerals were the mainstay of the economy

Question: What mine-able minerals Iwoland has

 Prof Yekeen : Surficially, Iwo area is rich in granitic rocks. Pockets of pegmatites which are believed to be rich in exotic minerals also exist

Question: Sir, which is better refining the mineral here or selling the raw minerals??

Prof Yekeen: It depends on the prevailing economy and government policy

Question: Dear Prof, sir, Please tell us which is economically better (please take employment and shopping/ tourism to considerations) between refining here and selling our solids raw?

Prof Yekeen: Local refining will create more jobs. Starting with equipment fabrication. Through actual mining and beneficiation. I think tourism is out of it because nobody visits old or functional mines for relaxation here in Nigeria

Question: You said the minerals are everywhere, won't its mining has effect on agriculture because the same land used for planting is also where mining will be done??

Prof Yekeen : Cost-Benefit Analysis will be carried out  during EIA. Usually there is plan for environmental restoration. There are several ways of doing this.
Question: What is EIA?

 Prof Yekeen : Environmental Impact Assessment
Case example: Limestone has been mined and processed in Ewekoro for years. Farmlands have been affected. Compensations are paid, local employment is provided, and corporate social responsibility is ensured terms of provision of amenities (schools, water, electricity, health facilities, recreation centres, etc. In some places, abandoned mine ponds are stocked with  fish fingerlings. Mine tailings are even used to fill some cavities.

Question : Prof sir, is there any intervention fund available for mining company in Nigeria, if yes can we know the procedure?

 Prof Yekeen: Just like any other business in Nigeria, intervention exists through the provision of loan facilities, as well as moratorium in tax payment. But I think the detail can be obtained from Federal Ministry of Solid Minerals

Question: Dear sir,  what are the advantages of the exploitation of all these minerals to the host community?

Prof Yekeen: Compensations are paid, local employment is provided, and corporate social responsibility is ensured. terms of provision of amenities (schools, water, electricity, health facilities, recreation centres, etc.)  Of course, there are also disadvantages. However, these can be minimised with proper mine planning, evaluation and post mining restoration of the environment. Civil societies are always there to ensure that the right things are done. 😊

Question:  Can individual be given permission to mine on his own land? If yes, what are d processes involved?

Prof Yekeen : Land Use Decree stipulates that all lands belong to the Federal government Government. It is advisable to carry out  geological investigation to first ascertain that what you have on your land is mineral deposit, and not just mineral occurrence. Then the area can be charted and the coordinates sent to Cadastral Office to see if the area has not be acquired for the same purpose. Then you can follow up by applying for mining permit. I'm sure some amounts of money have to be involved.

QUESTION: What types of minerals are found in the pegmatitic vein in this part of the country and how viable are they in the market?!

Prof Yekeen : The geologist is referred to "Minerals and Industry in Nigeria", a publication of the Geological Survey of Nigeria,  now NGSA.😊 On a serious note, you can only see when you look. Mineral exploration is not a one-day work. It is equally capital intensive. For a do-it-yourself, I suggest you purchase a copy of the Geological Map of Nigeria. It is available in soft copy from NGSA Office, Abuja.πŸ˜€

Question: How can minerals and its quantity be detected locally and is there any benefits to host community from the government?  If yes explain sir

Prof Yekeen: Minerals' quality and quantity can be obtained through EXPLORATION. That is the essence

Question: Sir, as we all know mining is a very capital intensive sector. How can individual get license to operate a mine and as well supporting funds from government?

Prof Yekeen : Thanks, Abu Haneefah. Getting a license should not be difficult. What is more difficult is the fund. But this depends on your scale of operation. The bigger the head, the bigger the headache! There are cottage/artisanal  mining industries with little financial base. The Bank of Industry is there to assist. The Central Bank, I heard,  also finances such project. First thing first: do your homework in terms of exploration. And your market survey.

Question: Can the host community or a group of people in the community be given licence to be mining the land?

And is there a bank in Nigeria that empowers community miners like that of agriculturists?

Prof Yekeen: Host community can float a mining company. A couple of years ago, SMEDAN commissioned my university to carry out a survey on artisanal mining in Nigeria. I'm sure the agency will be willing to assist small and medium scale mining outfits. Bank of Industry is meant for ALL industries 😊.
 If there are no more questions..... My time is far spent😊😊😊

Question: From my observation, no state can be more blessed than than Kogi state in term of iron deposit and that hence the reason for the siting of Ajaokuta steel rolling.
Up till moment, the country has not utilized up to 1% of the aim of the plant.

Now, what encouragement do you want to give us as a professor that going into tapping of these mineral resources in our land, we will be be encourage by government having it in mind that, no community has freedom of mining or exploration without the approval of government.

Prof Yekeen : Our forefathers were smelting iron ore in those days, but in little quantities. Evidences are replete. But as a community, you can start smelting in small quantities and you will still make a difference.  That is what SMEDAN wants. There are lots of things wrong with Itakpe vis a vis Ajaokuta steel industry. But I'm a geologist, not a policy maker!😊

Question: Please Prof, who are the target markets for these raw materials?

Prof Yekeen: Thanks. It depends on the semi-processed raw material. Pharmaceutical industry, construction industry, paper manufacturing, rubber industry. Electrical and electronics industry, Food industry,  Beverage

Question: How beneficial is mining to an individual and what are the requirements involved in starting up mining on one's land.  
Thank you.

 Prof Yekeen: Thanks. Mining is as beneficial as any legitimate business. It also has its own risks, though

Question: Please Prof, which part of Iwo and its environs do we have these raw materials in commercial quantities?

Prof Yekeen : I have explored for Granitic rocks in Eleha area. I was looking for granites, and I saw granites. I was happy,  and my client was happy.😊
Commercial quantity, and good quality too

Question: What are the academic like you doing to make the geological map readily available to everyone and when was the last time the map was updated?!

 Prof Yekeen : You may see if you look; you may see better if you look harder. Geological mapping is just one step in mineral exploration. As an academic of 33 years experience, as a registered and practising geoscientist, I have carried out SEVERAL  exercises for individuals and corporate bodies. Therefore, we are doing a lot!

Question :Sir, could you please tell us when last geological map was updated?

Prof Yekeen: NGSA produced an updated version less than 10 years ago. It depends on what you need a geological map for. You may not need an update to work. In some geological work, the older the better!  Quite funny

Question:As Yoruba elders usually say' Yinni yinni keni semi' Thanks for your time sir. Pls,Can u intimate us briefly the stratagem of this present administration in mineral sector perhap it can be of help sir?

 Prof Yekeen: Geology goes beyond the surface  or even immediate subsurface
Ah! Buhari administration just came on board. I'm not sure if Dr Fayemi, the minister, has finished studying the files. So, I can't say where the thinking will be directed. However, the government's body language is tilted towards diversification from oil. And I think solid minerals and agriculture are  good stead to be favoured.

 It's our collective pleasure, sir!
On behalf of HRM Adewale Akanbi, the other royal fathers, the IDC and entire people of Iwoland, I say thank you.
God bless you!
Warafanau makana aliyah!

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